youth ministry

Our Mission is to provide
youth with:
ways that youth can learn God's word and effectively apply it to their lives.
ways that youth can show God's love to others by applying what they have learned about service in God's name.
ways to enjoy being friends and hanging out in a positive atmosphere making all who attend welcome.
ways to show their love to God with praise and worship as part of a group or as an individual.
​We have a wide variety of programs and activities for our youth to participate in.
UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) meets almost every Sunday evening during the school year from 6-8pm and consists of various programs, outreach, and fellowship. A half-hour of Fellowship begins, then the Jr. & Sr. High schoolers are separated into their own age-appropriate programs. UMYF begins in the Jr. High room which is located in the lower level of the sanctuary building.

Yearly Local Events
By the time a young person reaches 7th grade, he or she has the opportunity to learn in more detail what it means to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Through a series of steps, study and introspection, one makes their own decision to CONFIRM their baptism and to join the congregation of the Methodist Church as a full, participating member.
Summer Programming
During summer vacation from school, our Youth are invited to participate in Summer Fun! We meet three times a week and participate in weekly beach trips, BBQs, pool parties and/or out of town trips including Knotts Berry Farm, Raging Waters, and more.
District Events
Junior High Camp
Junior High Camp usually takes place mid-July at Lazy W Ranch in Orange County, CA. It is a week of discovery, relationships and experiencing the love of Christ surrounded by the beauty of nature and people your own age. This event is open to 6th-9th graders, and is a life changing experience.
Senior High Camp
Senior High Camp takes place around the beginning of July at Lazy W Ranch in Orange County, CA, a United Methodist Campground. ‘Church Camp’ is more than a week in the mountains. It’s a week of building relationships with God and each other, and experiencing the beauty of nature at a private campground. This week-long event builds character and relationships and is something that should not be missed by anyone. Camp is open to people entering 9th grade through graduated seniors.

Conference Events
Sierra Service Project
The Santa Clarita United Methodist Church believes fully that Mission Projects and Community Outreach should be a big part in growing one’s Faith in Christ. In late July, our Youth participate annually in the Sierra Service Project, a program that helps repair homes for Native Americans and urban communities in various states across the country.
Global Events
Every 4 years the Youth Gathering of The United Methodist Church takes place. It draws thousands of youth from all over the globe to one amazing event. During the five days of music, praise, prayer, learning, and growth, participants will be challenged to go back into their communities ready to make a difference in God’s world and to live out their faith in ways they never thought possible. The next gathering is scheduled for 2019 in Miami, Florida. We’ll be bringing a group of Youth and chaperones on this trip, and invite you to join us!
At Santa Clarita United Methodist Church we continue to look for opportunities for youth to participate in the life & ministry of the Church, as well as occasions for serious study, service, fellowship, mission & worship. Youth also serve on many of the Church committees and Commissions, including the Administrative Council and, of course, the COYM (Council on Youth Ministries).